Ok, I had a bit of a slack period where productivity took a back seat to social obligations. I have one more social obligation over the weekend then can start back on getting things done.
1. Task for today- declutter kitchen 2. Work on MC speech 3. Finish MCQs
Ok so the sending of the form yesterday seemed like a bad idea, so I didn't do it, but I do have a plan to fix it on Tuesday.
I'll add it as the key task for then.
Today, I'm not going to have a key task since the task itself will be to get through the day. This is all I'll be trying to do for the next 3 days while adapting to this month of altered physiology.
Let's reflect for a moment: I was on nights had very little sleep but got a lot done yesterday. That deserves a pat on the back! Yesterday included ample time to go watch Breaking Bad etc and also to get study done and chill. Perfect. It didn't feel overwhelming at all!
Ok so late wake up today for the morning ritual. That's fine since I am working tonight and wanted some rest anyway. Thus far, have done my daily Exercise already, need to cook and do some errands
Apart from that. key task: - finish 1 hr of Maven - budget for annual leave trip
- budget for Tax time
Ok currently sitting and doing my neuro stuff at 5:30am. Was still lying in bed for 30 mins but didn't go back to sleep, which was nice so timing/adequacy of sleep was good.
Things to do today:
- finish and send Craig's tute stuff - key task!!!
- Work on one news article - second task - time dependant
- Finish a lot of Maven - Shouldn't really get there
Ok so normal work day today. Things to get done afterwards as part of normal day: - Exercise - cardio or weights
- Chill time - ironing or upload some photos
How quickly the days pass hey? It's almost halfway past the year already! I'm behind on a lot of things and ahead on others. I suppose as with any bell curve, that's how it is. Anyway, on to today's tasks.
- exercise should be done since yesterday was just a walk
- video edit is an option
- as are coffee catch ups with M.B or S.W
Key task for today:
- figure out vasserstats and run one analyses on it.
Relaxing morning to chill with the cat and I- it's quite lovely! Thighs to get done today: help set up stuff for party tonight, visit Paul and grant, hang up curtains and entertain people.
Will be at work in ICU for most of today. Hard to know if there will be any time during the day based on admission to the unit. Regardless, need to post up an SD article either at or after work.
Other things to get done - Exercise - Body fat measurement: BodyMetrix - Change ketosis diet regimen - MCQs